Emergency Shelter: The Haven
Our emergency overnight shelter, located in Oak Harbor, is called The Haven. It is open every night of the year and is currently located near Coupeville. It is supported by grants and donations.
If you need temporary housing for up to 90 days, please check out our House of Hope.
Welcome to the Haven kitchen
House Rules
No alcohol, drugs, or paraphernalia on-site
No weapons - turn any pocket knives in to staff
No violent, aggressive speech or behavior (includes profanity, hate speech, bullying, or sexual harassment)
No smoking (except in designated outdoor areas at designated times)
No in-and-out between 9:30 PM and 6:00 AM
No sexual activity of any kind
No noise after 9:30 pm
Parents must accompany children at all times
What to Expect
To stay as a guest, please register first:
Currently, registration takes place at SPiN Cafe at 1241 SW Barlow Street, Oak Harbor from 3:45 - 4:00 PM
DO NOT show up at the shelter directly. You must complete registration and be approved first.
You will need to fill out a COVID-19 symptoms questionnaire.
You must agree to our house rules (see below)
Once you are approved, transportation to the Haven will be organized by staff
. Note: Due to space limitations, baggage is limited to one bag per guest.
Once at the shelter:
If this is your first time at the shelter, you are asked to fill out a survey.
We provide you with:
A light dinner
Bedding material and mattress.
Clothing (if available)
Other items as needed and available
You are allowed two smoke breaks in the evening.
At 9:30 it is lights out and quiet time.
You will be woken up at 5:30 Monday - Friday, 7 am on weekends, and given a light breakfast
Starting at 6 am, staff will organize transportation back to central Oak Harbor
How to Get to the Haven
Map to the SPiN Café
Get Here by Bus
Numerous bus routes help you get to the Harbor Transit station near the registration centers.
Route 4 (Oak Harbor City Shuttle)
Route 1N (Clinton to Oak Harbor)
Route 411 Oak Harbor March Point
Route 6 (Oak Harbor Coupeville Ferry)
Route 3 (East Oak Harbor City Shuttle)