Our board is currently a seven member body, which includes the Executive Director as a non-voting member. We meet monthly, usually over Zoom. We are actively looking to increase our board. If you are interested in joining us, please check out our volunteers page.
Board Members
Janet Harris
Janet has been on the island most of her life. She joined the WHC board four years ago and has evolved into the Crazy Bag Lady of South Whidbey. You can often find her at island craft shows collecting donations for the Whidbey Homeless Coalition, surrounded by her bags, which she gives to donors in appreciation of their contribution. Doing this she has raised over $10,000 for the Coalition.
She is married, has two grown children, and three grandchildren (all who live on the island). She joined the board to learn more about helping people who are in need or vulnerable, and to understand why there are so many obstacles for people trying to help them.
She stepped into the role of President in June 2023.
Jim Roberts – Treasurer
I began my journey with Whidbey Island in the spring of 1976. Eventually moving to the Island permanently in 2010. The beauty of the island and access to the Salish Sea drew me in. I enjoy the all the outdoor activities Whidbey provides.
I have worked in construction, electrical wholesale distribution and data management. Currently work for Oxford House Inc. as an Outreach member for Whatcom, Skagit, Island and Clallam Counties.
Working with Whidbey Island Homeless Coalition provides me with another opportunity to deal with homelessness in Island County.
Brandi Blais - Vice President
Brandi came to Whidbey Island in 2018 by way of Americorps to serve at the Good Cheer Food Bank (a partner in feeding the homeless), having traded a 20-year career in industrial QA/QC for a B.S. in Technical Communications from ASU (Arizona State University) and a passion for non-profit work. Quickly falling in love with the island and the community, she decided to stay on. She joined the board of the Whidbey Homeless Coalition in March of 2020. Brandi likes dogs, books, and a nice oatmeal stout; when she’s not working or tending her ever-expanding garden, you can usually find her at the beach.
Bobbi Lornson - President
Originally from Texas, Bobbi came to Whidbey Island in 1981 and has since called it home. Past experiences range from owning a saw sharpening business, working for a federal child abuse program, owning a new and used furniture store, running the Navy Alcohol and Drug Safety Action Program for NAS Whidbey and Naval Base Kitsap. She coached and coordinated the Special Olympics for many years. She is aware that sometimes things go wrong in one’s life which may result in homelessness. She sincerely believes she can make those hard times easier. She is an active member of the Oak Harbor Lions Club and works as the Coalition’s liaison with them. As the coordinator of the Haven transport vans, she works with the Lions to provide most of the van drivers.
Leigh Hatton
Leigh is also a long-time Whidbey resident and has created newsletters, graphics, and posters for WHC from our first year in 2015. We recruited Leigh for a board position when we lost two of our long term board members. Her close connections to community, along with her huge heart for those we serve makes her another great member of our team.
Rebecca Filla
bio coming soon
Lydia Farrell - Secretary
Lydia was born and raised here on South Whidbey; she and her husband Brad are now grateful to be raising their 4 boys at their home in the woods near Langley. During the day she homeschools the boys, and enjoys their dogs and chickens and working in the garden. In the evenings she works as a checker at a local grocery store.